360doc (http://www.ahfyzs.com)zh-cn360doc--個(gè)人圖書(shū)館Commutiry of Practice wiki xiezuo
2008/1/11 19:33:19
CoP" redirects here. This article is about "Communities of Practice". For other uses of CoP, see CoP (disambiguation).To the extent that a deep conceptual change involves importing practices and perspectives from one community of practice into another, such change involves what Wenger calls "boundary encounters." Such encounters change the way each community defines its ow
But let me be clear: The future is not some Manichaean landscape in which individuals are either left-brained and extinct or right-brained and ecstatic - a land in which millionaire yoga instructors drive BMWs and programmers scrub counters at Chick-fil-A. Logical, linear, analytic thinking remains indispensable.
The two hemispheres work in concert, and we enlist both sides for nearly everything we do.To some of you, this shift - from an economy built on the logical, sequential abilities of the Information Age to an economy built on the inventive, empathic abilities of the Conceptual Age - sounds delightful. "You had me at hello!" I can hear the painters and nurses exulting.
Many faculty would acknowledge the need for students to acquire information and technology skills, even if they do not explicitly build into their own courses the type of assignments that might assist students in acquiring those skills.
how to make ppt more effectively
2007/12/7 21:07:29
just right-click on the design.) PowerPoint will immediately update the selected slides.PowerPoint 2000 was the first version to support animated .gif files, but the viewer didn't. (PowerPoint Viewer is a support application that lets others view your PowerPoint presentation, even if they don't have PowerPoint installed locally.) Unfortunately, the older viewers don't support .gif files.
Step 1: Right click on any image to bring up the menu and choose Format Picture Step 2: Click on the Picture tab, then Click the Compress button Step 3: Select All pictures in document, Print, Compress pictures, and Delete cropped areas of pictures.On the Drawing toolbar, point to Draw, and then click Grid and Guides Under Snap to, check it the Snap objects to grid check box is selected.
How to use RSS feed
2007/12/7 20:48:39
Create a new RSS feed from several existing feeds: Feed MixFeed Mix is an RSS editor, which lets you create, edit and publish an unlimited number of RSS feeds.RSS feeds creator lets you set up, publish and manage serialized web feeds: FeedCycleFeedCycle is a service that enables you to create, publish and manage cyclic, or serialized, web feeds using the RSS feed format.
Suggested Readings Around PBL.The Project-Based Learning (PBL) module is designed for either a two- to three-hour class or session or a one- to two-day workshop, and is divided into two parts.Project-Based Learning with Multimedia: "Why Do Project-Based Learning?PBL at EdTech Project Overview.PBL Unit and Lesson Plan Templates.Designing Developing a PBL Unit.
play with search engines
2007/12/7 19:50:36
2. You also might want to search the web (and blogs and videos and ...) and find out what others are thinking about custom search engines.3. Create a post in your blog about custom search engines.Note: There are also instructions here on how to create a custom search using Rollyo and make it an option in your list of search engines in Firefox.
Research proposal
2007/12/5 21:25:51
The Institute brings together academics, researchers and students who recognise the importance of developing interdisciplinary approaches to the study of the complex processes involved in human learning.The Learning Science Research Centre is a partner research centre at our China campus, under the direction of Dr Don Peterson.FisherSharples.Sharples, M.Sharples, S.Wyeth.O‘MalleyCrook.CrookWood.
Robert L. Russell.#77, Mar/Apr 2006.Robert "Mac" West.#71, Mar/Apr 2005.Robert "Mac" West, Dan Martin, and Carol Bossert.#65, Mar/Apr 2004.#59, Mar/Apr 2003.Carol Bossert and Robert "Mac" West.Robert "Mac" West and Carol Bossert.#52, Mar/Apr, 2002.Robert Krampf.#47, Mar/Apr 2001.#41, Mar/Apr 2000.#35, Mar/Apr 1999.#29, Mar/Apr 1998.
100 users centered blog
2007/12/5 20:57:33
200ok: This blog by Ben Buchanan discusses web development, paying special attention to accessibility and web standards.Check out his blog for insight on web standards, design, and user interfaces.PinPoint Performance Solutions Blog: On this blog, you'll find commentary on user-centered design, testing, and performance improvement.
Grassroots KM through blog
2007/12/5 20:50:38
*Tacit-to-Tacit.Tacit knowledge on the other hand, is the knowledge that lives in peoples‘ head and in their practices. It‘s the knowledge that hides itself from their consciousness even though they put it to use every day. Tacit knowledge manifests itself only through the practice in which it is used. And, it is this tacit part that is more important of the two.Blogs as a KM tool.
These content components when used in the learning domain are called "learning objects", or reusable learning objects (RLOs)Instructional designers would create either new RLOs targeting specific performance goals, or new courses by assembling already created RLOs Editors (senior instructional designers/ learning officers) would go view the submitted RLO/course, and either approve or rej
WHY i BLG and mind map on PKM
2007/12/5 20:23:33
While the three-stage sense-making/coping process shown in the blue, orange and green boxes above is, I think, appropriate for dealing with complexity as individuals, I wanted to expand it to also show how we deal with complexity collectively and interactively.
why is PLE ?
2007/12/5 20:17:09
Why is the concept of a personal learning environment, and potentially even a PLE software application or framework, especially relevant today?Increased need for learner-driven lifelong learning." and feelings of information overload Increased opportunities, desire and need for creating connections with other people on behalf of both work production and learning.
what is IL
2007/12/5 19:52:18
Page 4 The Forms of Informal Learning 3 Table 1: Three forms of informal learningFormIntentionalityAwareness (at the time of learning experience)Self-directed Incidental Socialization yes no no yes yes no The three forms of informal learningWhat follows is a brief conceptualization of each one of the three forms of informal learning, and five examples to illustrate each form.
defintion of informal learning
2007/12/5 19:49:20
The notion of informal learning is becoming increasingly important.In a corporate context, learning is much more than formal training.I believe we should blend formal, informal learning, and knowledge management into one integrated solution that places the learner/knowledge worker at the center and gives him/her the control over the learning experience.
2007/11/27 17:00:37